Monday, May 21, 2007

dast dasti dast do dasti (to be completed)

This little song is meant for little children to teach them to clap their hands with music.

dast dasti dast do dasti
pas cherâ hanâ nabasti?
magar hanâ gerun bud?
gheimate za'ferun bud?

If anyone knows the next phrases, please tell us!

Friday, April 20, 2007

lili lili howzak (to complete)

lili lili howzak
dowrake/kenârake sabzak
pishi umad âb bokhore
oftâd tu howzak
pandjta dozd az ândjâ migozashtand
in/yeki didesh
in/yeki gereftesh
in/yeki pokhtesh
in/yeki khordesh
in/âkhari goft: mâle mane kalle gonde ku?
sahmesh be havâ (tickles)

other versions exist surely, please tell us!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

hâdji firuz (to complete)

We thought there were at least one specific song hadji firuz were used to sing, but we didn't find any on the net. Everyone says he sings various songs and nothing specific. Wonder...

Any clue?

Thursday, March 8, 2007

atal matal

atal matal tutuleh, gâve hasan chejure
na shir dâre na pestun, bordanesh be hendestun
esmesho bezâr amghezi, dore kolâsh ghermezi
hâchin o vâchin, ye pâto varchin

atal matal tutuleh, gâve hasan chejure
bozorge vo bozorge, bozorgtar az ye gorge
zerange vo zerange, tanesh hanâi range
hâchin o vâchin, ye pâto varchin

bis repetita...

this is a version we found on a cassette. if someone knows other versions or more variants, please tell us!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

morghe sahar (to review)

morghe sahar nâle sar kon
dâghe marâ tâzetar kon
z-âhe sharar bâr, in ghafas râ
bar shekan o zir o ze-bar kon

bolbole par baste ze-kanje ghafas darâ
naghmeye âzâdiye no'e bashar sarâ
vaz nafasi arseye in khâke tude râ
por sharar kon

zolm zâlem, jur sayâd
âshiânam dâde bar bâd
ey khodâ, ey falak, ey tabi'at
shâme târike mâ râ sahar kon

now bahâr ast, ghol be bâr ast
abre cheshmam, jâle bâr ast
in ghafas, chun delam
tang o târ ast

sho'le fekan dar ghafas ey âh âtashin
daste tabi'at gole amr marâ machin
djânabe âshegh nage ey tâze gol, az in
bishtar kon! bishtar kon! bishtar kon!
morghe bi-del, sharhe hedjrân
mokhtasar, mokhtasar kon

morghe bi-del, sharhe hedjrân
mokhtasar, mokhtasar kon!

we tried to write down what shadjariân sings. if someone has the courage to review the wording and punctuation and "beyt" cutting, that would be great!

here is a link to the persian text and shadjariân's singing online:

Monday, March 5, 2007

do re mi (to complete)

do re mi fa sol la si do

Nothing special to this. We heard someone had made a little song in persian to memorize the notes. If you can help, feel free to do so, you're welcome!

Friday, March 2, 2007

alefba (to complete)

alef - be - pe - te - se - djim - che - he (djimi) - khe - dâl - zâl - re - ze - je - sin - shin - sâd - zâd - tein - zein - ein - ghein - fe - ghâf - kâf - gâf - lâm - mim - nun - vâv - he (havvâz) - ye

To be added to this
- pics of the persian letters
- a song of alefba

if someone has such material, please advise.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

tavallod mobârak (to complete)

tavallod, tavallod, tavallodet mobârak
mobârak, mobârak, tavallodet mobârak

labât shâd o delat khosh, to gol por khande bâshi
biâ sha'mâ ro fut kon, tâ sad sâl zende bâshi

tavallod, tavallod, ...

what are the next parts?


Friday, February 2, 2007

learning Persian (to be checked)

we found this on another blog. a post dated as of 2005. we didn't check the links nor the quality of the material.

a persian learning page with some useful links!!!
persian alphabeth with a song! [missing link]
persian courses: lection 1-75 (75-.... exists) and translate!
the most important: the online translator!!!!!

latin transcription of persian

In this blog we took some convensions in order to transcribe persian text with latin alphabet. Basically we try to stay the closest to phonetic transcription. The difficulty is on the one hand not to be too complicated or counter-intuitive and on the other hand easily understandable for people brought up in english, french, german, italian, spanish, ... speaking environment. The basis is phonetic alphabet (the one in dictionnaries).

obvious sounds:
b, d, e, f, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t

specific persian sounds and letters pronounced differently amongst western languages which may lead to confusion.

[ ' ] like in the word "sham' " (candle); stands for the letter "ein"
[ â ] like in the word "havâ" (air); stands for the letter "alef" with its kolâh
[ a ] like in the word "aks" (picture); stands also for the letter "alef" but with the upperscript accent the pronounciation is like in the western word "action"
[ dj ] like in the word "djavân" (young); stands for the letter "djim"
[ ch ] like in the word "chelow kabâb" (is there anything to translate? :o)); stands for the letter "che"
[ kh ] like in the word "khânum" (lady); stands for the letter "khe"
[ z ] like in the word "zanbur asal" (honeybee); stands for either "zâl", "zâd" or "zein" letters
[ j ] like in the word "jâleh" (dew); stands for the letter "je"
[ sh ] like in the word "sharbat" (sirop); stands for the letter "shin"
[ gh ] like in the word "ghâz" (goose); stands for either "ghein" or "ghâf" letters
[ g ] like in the word "gorbe" (cat); stands for the letter "gâf"
[ u ] like in the word "kuh" (mountain); stands for the letter "vâv"
[ v ] like in the word "varzesh" (sports); stands for the letter "vâv" this would usually be pronounced w in afghanistan as far as we know
[ w ] would stand for vâv when it is pronounced ow like in the english word snow. examples: "now" (new), or "chelow" (cooked white rice)
[ y ] we could avoid using this sign and most often replace it with i or ii but sometimes it is more elegant to use y. it is often used at the end of a word like in "ney" (straw) or "melliyat" (nationality) or for the "i" at the beginning of a word
Finally, doubling consonants is to stress on that consonant as does the "tashtid" in written persian like in the word "avval" (first) or "tavallod" (birthday)

From time to time we might leave a final h at the end of a word and write "eh" instead of "e" because we have the persian writing in our mind instead of the phonetic writing. We hope this will not confuse anyone.

Of course each persian speaking community (within or outside Iran) has its own pronounciation. We chose ours which is quite close to the pronouciation in Tehran.

suggestions and help

Would you have
- any suggestion for new songs, stories, games, etc.
- ideas to improve the layout of this blog
please email us at

Would you know
- the rest of a song we didn't manage to complete,
- another version of a song or story or game, etc.
please post it as a comment on that specific song, story or game's post.

Would you be looking for the lyrics of a song you don't remember or details of a game you have heard of, or you used to play and you forgot, maybe we could help: email us at or post your message as a comment to the current post.

Hoping to abandon sharivari name as soon as possible,
ghorbâne shômâ, sincerely yours,

Sharivari team.